Sixty Is The New Fifty

girl on bike

We’ve all heard these phrases “Sixty is the new fifty and fifty the new forty,” and so on.  I’m fifty-seven and some days my body feels like I’m eighty.  My back hurts, my hands are swollen and I’m slow to rise so that’s not exactly a feeling of youthfulness.  I don’t let it keep me down and a large part of it is my attitude.  If I focus on what is going wrong with my body rather than what is right I start acting like I’ve got one foot in the grave.  So what does this have to do with online dating you may ask.  Everything! I came across another dating site and they have a wealth of articles, one which relates to this topic.  Below is a short excerpt.

Looking young may be one thing, but feeling and acting it is an entirely different issue. There’s no denying that the frenetic pace that work and society demands can add undue pressures on a person, but ever wonder how it can affect your dating life?

The good news for prime singles is that they’re not alone. According to the American Association of Retired People, there are an estimated 85 million baby boomers in North America, and 30 percent of the boomer population is single. And many, approximately 63% according to a 2003 A.A.R.P. study, are actively dating.

Observes single-living lifestyle expert, Sherri Langburt: “Singles in the fifty plus set are more active and vibrant than ever before and are seeking companions who share that sense of adventure and spirit.”

So what does this mean to us Baby Boomers? Attitude is everything! Yes, my back and feet may hurt but that’s because I dance 3 nights a week.  Sometimes, I’m tired of doing school work but that’s okay because I chose to expand my knowledge and keep my memory sharp by taking a class.  Sometimes I’m feeling lonely and disconnected from life but that’s okay because I can change that by joining a group of people who share a common interest.  One idea is  My girlfriend, who has jumped into online dating has also joined a meetup group that hikes  and just the other day she met a woman who travels with groups that hike.  Their next trip is to Italy!  Speaking of travel, there is the Road Scholar program  You can sign up for these travel excursions as a single.  What a great way to meet people and learn at the same time.  And lastly, I find that spending time with younger people also helps me to keep a youthful attitude.

On another note, this will be my last “official” Baby Boomer Online dating blog as I have completed my social media marketing class. I never thought I would be good at blogging or even enjoy it but turns out I love blogging.  So look for more blogs on different subjects in the future.  Feel free to leave a comment.  I’d love to hear what you think.

May you be blessed with your search.  Happy Online Dating!



4 comments on “Sixty Is The New Fifty

  1. To be honest, I never would have ever guessed that you were 57! You always dress very trendy/classy and carry yourself very well! My mom always tells me that age is just a number! I’m almost 30 and can’t believe that I am almost that age, (times seems to go quickly) like you have mentioned above its all about how you feel and act that define who you truly are! Don’t allow a number to define you or your goals! Life is all about finding out what makes you happy. #cs5711

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thank you for your wonderful compliment. Your Mom is right, age is just a number! At 30 you are really evolving into an amazing new chapter of your life. My oldest turns 35 on May 20. She’s got her groove going on but it took her a while to launch. Best to you and you are so right…life is all about finding out what makes you happy – and then spreading it around 🙂


  3. Bonnie absolutely, age is a state of mind. As the petals of age unfold, I feel conviction of that notion. You share so openly of your self,which I know helps guild people through the dating experience. Ill be following you as I embark into the wide world of online dating soon. What I enjoy about your blog is the versatility. I may not be a boomer, but your advice and guidance applies to my scenario.


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